"A sketchbook is a secret thing, a collection of unfinished and often times abandoned ideas never intended for public consumption—at least not in their current state. It’s a private space for honing one’s craft and workshopping, separating good ideas from those best left unexplored." -Brian Heater at The Daily Cross Hatch.

25 April 2010

Coldhauser of the USS Virgo


I've really been dying to get back to the watercolors (oils, not so much) but fate conspired against me this weekend.

So, here's a portrait of a Korean War-era sailor named "Coldhauser". I wonder what he would think of today's digital camouflage working uniforms, fleece/gore-tex foul weather jackets and 8-point covers...
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  1. no way! I think the same thing!! when i'm in foulies and my nice rubber boots, i think: how did they do this in wool? how did they, in oilskins and heavy sodden leather boots, go aloft to furl icy wet sails or haul on leaden, laden nets??? and then sleep, all wet!?

  2. I guess sailors were just tougher back then... I made the mistake of shoveling my driveway in cotton and wool this winter...The wool got totally soaked and I was wet and freezing...Suffice to say I'm investing in a lot of polypropylene for next year...
