"A sketchbook is a secret thing, a collection of unfinished and often times abandoned ideas never intended for public consumption—at least not in their current state. It’s a private space for honing one’s craft and workshopping, separating good ideas from those best left unexplored." -Brian Heater at The Daily Cross Hatch.

25 February 2010

From the Vaults: The Adventures of Bud Dry


You know, all of this working for a living crap, sucks.
I'd really like to do some art again...However, in lieu of such an opportunity (and until I win the lottery) I present you with a vaguely maritime themed comic I did some years ago for a friend. It would take too long to explain as I have to run off to work. It's not meant to make sense outside of it's context- so don't worry if you don't get it. There are surfboards in the next scene...if I could only find it...
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